Additional module for ShipSim and FMBS (Full Mission Bridge Simulator) to add Dynamic Positioning training functionalities to the simulation systems.
Generic DP simulator for DP introduction and basic training.
The most cost-effective training tool on the market to learn the basic principles of a DP systems.
DP systems now are starting to be present not only on dedicated units for offshore (PSV, AHTS, MPSV) and Oil industry (Shuttle tankers) but also on luxury medium/large boasts.
Knowing the capabilities of a DP system, the working logic and how to made risk assessment analysis is an important step in the future seafarers.
The interface has been kept generic to focus the training on procedures and DP basic concepts and tasks, although obviously the user interface has many common characteristics of real systems from different brands.
DPSim can be configured as a ‘stand-alone’ station (a ship simulation unitis required) or can be added to medium and large bridges.
DPSim display the ship situation with the common most used visualization types, such as:
geoplot, Power lines view, Trust status view, realtime capability plot.
- Thrust view
- Electrical view
- realtime capability plot
Typically modes are manual/DP/autotrack, additional features (developed on request) available are Transit mode/Shuttle tanker approach /TargetROV follow mode
The system take the data of the existing redundant ship sensors as PME and MRU:
dual DGPS a, Dual anemometer, dual gyro and it is possible to set in the exercise areas laser reflector.
Instructor have the full control of the exercise, can inject errors on the sensors, failures on the thrusters, electrical failures, etc
A database of all the ground DGPS stations worldwide is present and it is automatically loaded by the system. Differential signal is enabled according distance and range of the ground Differentials stations. The instructor can anyway, at any moment, intervene on the signal precision, dilution, satellite visibility, etc
Real DP systems can be interfaced and integrated in the simulation system.
FMBS with real DP2 has already been placed into service in nautical training centers, therefore is the need is to expand the offered training courses or to set-up a new DP simulator with real devices, DPSTim is the right solution.