The 5Ks Horizon real-time rendering system, based on a latest-generation graphics engine, is able to offer high realism of both the marine and port and coastal environments in all weather conditions and at any time of day.

The system allows to apply a wide range of effects in order to visually recreate environmental parameters such as fog, rain, sea state, wind, allowing the student to deal with real environmental situations in complete safety. An accurate model of the sea surface that reproduces the wave motion and the effects of the wind depending on the weather-marine conditions selected in the exercise.

The movement of the platform due to the waves and its visual reproduction are calculated in real time with a high level of realism. The visual effect of the wind is simulated and appreciable both on the sea surface (white caps), and on the dynamics of the ship itself and the targets, and on objects influenced by the wind (smoke from chimneys, signal flags). The transition between day and night [and vice versa] is continuous and occurs constantly depending on the time of exercise and the geographical location, as well as the calculation of sunrise and sunset times (therefore sunrise and sunset are dependent on the area chosen for the exercise). All this occurs without any loss of performance and without any need to stop or load a new exercise, the system in fact manages the transition automatically.