SonSim is a flexible high realistic simulator installed and in service among several Navies to train operators and crew with maximum realism.
Since the first SonSim version more than 15 yrs ago, SonSim has been progressively improved to the state-of-the-art, incorporating optimized algorithm for underwater propagation and sound propagation resolution.

SonSim inside ASWTT replica real onboard sonars
Tested by real on-board experience operators, it is able to compute in realtime, without using samples, emitted and received signals, as well to compute complex post-processing algorithms and signal analysis (LOFAR,DEMON)
SonSim can cover the whole spectrum of training, from basic training to advanced operators or refresh training for real on-board operators.
SonSim can be delivered as standalone simulator, composed by several stations for classroom training, or embedded in STT (Submarine Tactical Trainer), warship simulator, air components ASW units (dipping Sonar, sonobuoys). SonSim is a crucial part of ASWTT.

SonSim Classroom generic sonar
SonSim can be configured with generic interface or to replicate any real on-board systems.
Several real sonar has already been emulated and customized , among the others are ASO95, TASS, TTASS, TACM, PHS32, SQS58, DSQS21BZ, AnAQS18 helo dipping sonar, and MPA sonobuoy acoustic stations.
- SonSim Console
- Generic Sonar Passive
- DSQS replica
- TASS replica
SonSim can be configured as:
HMS/CAS (passive/active)
VDS (passive/active)
Dipping Sonar
Sonobuoy (DIFAR, DICASS, ANM, VLAS and BT)
SonSim can be arranged to display received data in several mode, such as:
PPI, Bscope, ATR, CLA for active sonars
BTR, PBI, FAD, FRAZ, FTR, STBB, LBTR for passive Sonars
SonSim include also postprocessing and signal analysis, such as:
SonSim is based on a user configurable database to define all aspect of the underwater environment, including environmental curves (Weinz), reverberation(Mackenzie), transmission loss, SVP data, platform broadband and narrow band signature, cavitation threshold, target strength profile, etc.
Thanks the the Sonar Simulation Engine SSE, sound propagation computation is executed in real-time in both active and passive mode. No sound samples are used but sound in generated in real-time using frequency computation.