VSim can work standalone or connected to a navigation simulation system, desktop based or bridge type.
VSIM can be used to train :
> new operators, in acquiring competence on VTS operator’s tasks, as well as to start gaining confidence with the VTS local area of competence and its regulation
> advanced skilled operators, on new procedures, testing new traffic lanes or new harbour regulations
> new operators on teh VTS system actually in service, to get familiar with the user interface and the functionalities
> VSim can furthermore be used, for instance, to analyze incident, recreating them on the simualtor and understanding why such event happened and how can be avoided
Great advantage of VSim is that is totally safe, and there is no need to stop the activities of the real VTS, furthermore it allows to put in operative service the VTS operators once they have gained the required confidence on the job.

VSim generic interface
VSIM is therefore a valuable teaching instrument to train VTS operators on traffic management, security procedures and radio communications, as well as to manage crisis and emergency situation, coordinating all the activities of the ship under VTS station responsibility.
It is also a valuable tool also to train ship’s operators on radio communication, procedures
and in general to practices, in total security, harbor approach, departure, mooring and
unmooring procedures.
Two possibility are available:
> generic simulator (simulate a VTS with all the most common functionalities but without resembling any real VTS or VTMS)
> stimulator, that is the simulation system is interfaced with a real VTS providing all the data needed to the real device via LAN (or, if needed, by a dedicated radar signal generator electronic board)
The standard configuration of the VSim includes:
> VTS (generic or real one), one or more cubicles
> Communication device as interactive panels, can be generic Comm devices or replica of the ones used in reality. (Simulator use VOIP (Voice Over IP) protocol, therefore do not emit any radio interference)
> Virtual CCTv to watch the traffic. Several CCTV point can be positioned in the scenario
> as additional items, depending on customer requirements, separate radar display and a complete GMDSS coast station can be added to the station.
> Instructor station, needed to manage the VTS exercises. Shiphandling instructor, if already present, can be used also to control VTS cubicles.
> instructor station can be used as briefing and debriefing station, on request it is possible to supply separate briefing and debriefing station.